Tuesday, February 07, 2012


CFP: Wine Culture in the Transnational World Panel

Wine Culture in the Transnational World

Call for Presentations:
Panel: Wine Culture in the Transnational World

I am assembling a panel on wine culture and globalization for the Foodways, Diasporic Diners, Transnational, Tables, and Culinary Connections Conference to be held in Toronto, Thursday October 4 - Sunday, October 7, 2012. This is the annual conference of the Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies at the University of Toronto. http://www.utoronto.ca/cdts/

I am interested in showcasing work that introduces critical concepts to the study of wine culture and society. How is our understanding of the wine trade, wine aesthetics, wine science, or wine geography developed by the interventions of cultural studies, feminism, critical race theory or other variations of critical theory? And what can the social and cultural study of wine, its changing forms, networks and practices, reveal about processes and structures of contemporary social life?

A few potential topics:
Navigating wine’s local and global networks
Changing technologies and traditions,
The labor processes and structure of expertise of global wine
Consumer behavior, status and class,
The performance of taste and power across cultures
New wine communities / wine and development
The ecologies of the wine industry and wine tourism
Global semiotics of wine markets
The cultural and political economies of good taste

See the conference call for papers for more ideas:

My own contribution to the panel examines the social importance of wine in consumer society by historicizing its promise and appeal in relation to the crises which accompany globalization.

Please send titles, abstracts (200 words), and contact information to me by March 1, 2012

Send to:
David Michalski
University of California, Davis

Monday, February 06, 2012


CFP: Food, Migration, and Movement

Call for Submissions: Food, Migration, and Movement
Deadline Extended to March 1st.
Food is a common and constant variable among us; everyone must eat.
Vandal is looking for fiction, non-fiction, poetry, essays, photographs,
interviews and visual art that engages the theme: food, migration, and
... movement.

We interpret this call as broadly as possible, to include all topics
that deal with food/foodways, and migration or political movement(s).
The movement of food(s) and people(s) has always intimately connected
politics, culture, and identity, marking ‘us’ and ‘them’. Food
migrations are surely among the most globally transformative moments in
recorded history. Christopher Columbus sailed in search of spices, and
sugar was inextricable in the trade triangle that brought so many
enslaved Africans to the “New World.” Sugar, coffee and cocoa remain
among the most traded commodities worldwide. As food often reflects
public policy’s focus, food also becomes the vehicle through which we
voice our politics. These expressions can be witnessed in government
corn subsidies, hunger strikes, the establishment of local community
farms and protests on every continent resulting from rising food prices
within the last year. Our options or lack of options in food ultimately
effect health and culture. To engage food is to engage the most crucial
aspects of all societies.

Please submit to: foodmigration@vandaljournal.com
*Deadline: March 1, 2012

Vandal is a new literary/art journal for transformative social change
founded in 2009 in College Station, Texas and associated with Texas A&M.
It publishes scholarly and artistic fiction, non-fiction, art and
literature. For more information see:
http://www.vandaljournal.com/See more


CFP: “The Food Crisis: Implications for Decent Work in Rural and Urban Areas


“The Food Crisis: Implications for Decent Work in Rural and Urban Areas”

The International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) Annual
Thematic Conference – University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany, July 4-6

In recent years, food prices have gone up to prohibitive levels for
many of the world’s poor. They have remained high and volatile. While
many poor city dwellers have had to switch their diets to include only
very basic foods, the vast majority of those who are hungry in the
world today (over half a billion) are working in agriculture, either
as small landholders or as waged agricultural workers. This paradox
has sparked a lively debate about the reasons for food price
increases. However, the implications for the Decent Work agenda have
received less attention. The four dimensions of the Decent Work
concept (creating jobs, guaranteeing rights at work, extending social
protection and promoting social dialogue) do not explicitly cover the
issue of rising food prices. On the one hand, price increases for the
most basic household items threaten any gains achieved through the
Decent Work agenda. On the other hand, increased food prices may in
principle provide an opportunity for agricultural labour, yet the
majority of the food producers seem not to have benefited from rising
prices. Apparently, the bargaining power of many producers has been
weakened vis-à-vis the buyers of agricultural produce. This
development points to another dimension not explicitly addressed by
the Decent Work agenda: power relations along the food chain.
The International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) wants
to commit its Annual Thematic Conference “The Food Crisis:
Implications for Decent Work in Rural and Urban Areas” to an
exploration of the origins of the food crisis, its implications for
the Decent Work agenda, and strategies for addressing the crisis.

The general themes to be discussed are:
Assessing the Scope of the Food Crisis: Is there a rural – urban
divide? What is the impact on workers and small landholders? What are
the implications for the Decent Work agenda?
Origins of the Food Crisis: Financialization, land grabbing, climate
change and soil degradation, agribusiness, agro-fuels, EU trade
policies, demography, productivity obstacles, and other relevant topics.
Remedies for the Food Crisis: Increasing agricultural productivity,
improving logistics, empowering agricultural workers, food
sovereignty, and other relevant topics.

We encourage potential contributors to include a gender-sensitive
analysis whenever possible.

If you would like to present a paper in one of these areas, please
send a brief abstract (less than half a page) by April 1, 2012 to:

Please include the following information:



-- Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer "Globalisierung & Politik" FB 5 - Gesellschaftswissenschaften Universität Kassel Nora-Platiel-Straße 1 D-34127 Kassel Tel.: +49 (0) 561 804 3253 Sekr. scherrer@uni-kassel.de

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