Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Founding Food Studies

Founding Food Studies
An Interdisciplinary Symposium of UC Davis Faculty and Graduate Students

May 3, 2006
3201 Hart Hall
University of California, Davis

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Conference Program


Kimberly Nettles, Women and Gender Studies
Clare Hasler Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science
coffee, pastries, fruit

Food Lessons

Jessica Morton (Nutrition)
“The Effect of Calcium Cooking Class Program on Calcium-Specific Knowledge and Behavior of Children and their Parents”

Melissa Salazar (Education),
“Counting Croutons: Children’s Food Culture in the Cafeteria”

Virginia Chaidez (Nutrition),
“Child-Feeding Practices among Low-Income Latinos: An Early Starting Point in Obesity Prevention”

Chair/Comment: Charlotte Biltekoff, American Studies/Food, Science, and Technology

Containing Food

Laura Hudson (Cultural Studies)
“’Dieve—but I’m Glad I’m not a Hog!’: The Modern Jungle of the Meat Industry”

Veronica Hernandez-Izquierdo (Food, Science and Technology)
“A New Whey to Make Food Packaging”

Leslie Madsen-Brooks (Cultural Studies),
“Scrambled Eggs: Consumption and Anxiety at the Market”

Chair/Comment: Carolyn Thomas de la Peña (American Studies)

Lunch and Keynote Address

Amy Bentley, Food Studies/Nutrition, NYU
Founding Food Studies: Pleasures and Pitfalls

Food Politics

Robert Weis, (History)
“City of Wheat: The Social History of Bread in the Land of Tortillas: 1875-1945”

Kerin Gould (Native American Studies)
“Food and Autonomy”

Jennifer Gregson (Sociology)
"Using the Built Food Environment to Assess Neighborhood Effects for Bodyweight"

Erin Derden-Little (Intl. Ag. Development)
“An Action-Oriented Approach to Sustainable Food Systems”

Chair/Comment: Cynthia Brantley (History)

Coffee Break (coffee and cookies)

Food Pleasures

David Michalski (Cultural Studies)
“On the Persistence of Dark Bottles: Modern Aesthetics and the Hesitant Receptivity of Wine”

Marco Garcia (Food, Science, and Technology),
“The Terroir of Beer”

Stacy Jameson (Cultural Studies),
“Toward a Visualization of Consumption: Advertising and the Female Food Orgasm”

Chair/Comment: Michael Ziser (English)

Closing Remarks
Carolyn de la Peña and Kimberly Nettles

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