Friday, April 07, 2006


From Farfel to Falafel: Food, Wine and Jewish Culture

"From Farfel to Falafel: Food, Wine and Jewish Culture,"
will take place in the University Club at UC Davis Sunday evening, May 14 - Tuesday, May 16, 2006.

The conference is sponsored by the UC Davis Program in Jewish Studies and the RMI, with additional sponsorship by the Judah Magnes Museum in Berkeley. UC Davis is one of the premier institutions in the world for the scientific study of food and wine. With this conference, we hope to investigate the way food and wine function in a particular culture, that of the Jews, from biblical antiquity to the present day. We are particularly interested in the way food and wine function as bridges between high "literary" and popular cultures within the Jewish tradition and, in addition, as bridges between Jewish and other cultures. In addition to the scholarly sessions, we there will be a number of "hands-on" activities, including food sampling and wine tasting, as well as screening a number of relevant films.

Keynote speakers include Mollie Katzen, co-founder of Ithaca, New York's, Moosewood Restaurant and author of The Moosewood Cookbook, and Joyce Goldstein, food writer/restaurant and food industry consultant and past chef/owner of the groundbreaking Mediterranean Restaurant, Square One, in San Francisco.

Sunday evening, May 14 - Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Tentative Conference Program
Sunday May 14

* 3:00-5:00: Session I (100-150)
1. Andrea Lieber: “Bread and Wine, Body and Blood: Consumption and Community in Early Jewish and Christian Texts.”
2. David Kraemer: “Wine as Boundary-Marker: Negotiating Jewish Identity over a Cup of Wine”
* 5:00: Opening reception:
* 6:00: Dinner with music (Francesco Spagnolo): Caterer: Jennifer 415.290.2475
* 7:30: Keynote: Mollie Katzen: Tsimmes Reveries, A Personal History

Monday May 15

* 9:00-12:00: Session II
1. Joelle Bahloul: "Sephardic Cuisine and the French Republic: How a Traditional Rosh-Ha-Shana Stew Became "blanquette de veau".”
2. Donny Inbar: “Just a Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Gefilte Fish Go Wild: Secret Ingredients that Stir the Politics of Jewish Identity”
3. Yael Raviv: “Fruit to Falafel: Culinary Icons of the Jewish State”
* 12:00-1:00: Lunch
* 1:00-3:00: Session III
1. Jenna Weissman-Joselit: “What a Divine Wine!: American Jews and Drink during Prohibition “
2. Fred Astren, “God’s Cookbook, Israel’s Kitchen and the non-Jewish Marketplace: Contexts for Jewish Food and Wine”
* 3:30-5:00: Film: “Divine Food” plus Ted Merwin lecture (“The Rise and Fall of the New York Jewish Deli”) and discussion with film makers
* 6:00: Dinner with narrative (Donny Inbar)
* 8:00: Keynote: Joyce Goldstein: “How a Nice Jewish Girl from Brooklyn learned to cook Sephardic Food”

Tuesday May 16

* 9:00-12:00: Session IV
1. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, “Edible Inscriptions: The Jewish Cookbook as Material Practice”
2. Alice Nakhimovsky: Eating Under (and After) the Tsars: 100 years of Russian-Jewish foodways
3. Eve Jochnowitz: "Me darf nor a peteyle": Language and food hybridization in the culinary landscapes of Russian-Jewish New York
* 12:00-1:00 Lunch
* 1:00-2:00: Session V
1. Naomi Janowitz: “Nothing/Everything by Mouth: Psychoanalytic Insights into Envy of Female Nurturing in Judaism.”
* 2:00-3:00: Session VI
Tentative Program Schedule

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