Wednesday, April 12, 2006


From Farfel to Falafel: Food, Wine and Jewish Culture

Visit From Farfel to Falafel: Food, Wine and Jewish Culture to see the program and menu, and to register for this upcoming event.

From Farfel to Falafel: Food, Wine and Jewish Culture
Sunday evening, May 14 - Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"From Farfel to Falafel: Food, Wine and Jewish Culture," will take place at the University of California, Davis from Sunday evening, May 14 - Tuesday, May 16, 2006. The conference is sponsored by the UC Davis Program in Jewish Studies and the RMI, with additional sponsorship by the Judah Magnes Museum in Berkeley. UC Davis is one of the premier institutions in the world for the scientific study of food and wine. With this conference, we hope to investigate the way food and wine function in a particular culture, that of the Jews, from biblical antiquity to the present day. We are particularly interested in the way food and wine function as bridges between high "literary" and popular cultures within the Jewish tradition and, in addition, as bridges between Jewish and other cultures.

In addition to the scholarly sessions, we there will be a number of "hands-on" activities including food sampling and wine tasting, as well as screen a number of relevant films. Lecture by Yehuda Bauer

"On Comparing Genocides: Beyond the Arguments About the Uniqueness of the Holocaust"

Hebrew University Professor Yehuda Bauer is recognized throughout the world as one of the leading authorities on the history of the Holocaust as well as a dynamic lecturer on issues of genocide and antisemitism.

Wednesday, January 12
4:00 pm
Hunt Hall 100

Sponsored by a generous grant from Joseph and Eda Pell

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